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Ep 23 - A Certain Scientific Railgun

September 14th, 2018
Scientific railgun

This week we discuss the first three episodes of A Certain Scientific Railgun.

Synopsis: Misaka’s electro-manipulation abilities—and delightfully destructive Railgun projectile move—make her a rock star in Academy City. The techno-metropolis is packed with supernaturally powered students known as espers, including Misaka’s flirty friend and roommate, Kuroko. In this city full of super-powered gangs, mad scientists, and monsters—there’s no shortage of action!

You can stream A Certain Scientific Railgun on or

Artwork by Ben Coombs
Music: Draaikolk by Brazzmatazz

Creator Shoutout

Jonathan Young - Cover artist of many things, including English translations of Anime OPs

Recommendation of the Week

<a href="" target="_blank">Outlaw Star</a> - the Firefly of Anime.